Dr. Vincent Forster within the TOP 10
Dr. Vincent Forster konnte sich mit seiner neuen Spin-off Versantis unter die TOP 10 der Preisträger des diesjährigen McKinsey & ETHZ "Venture" Wettbewerbs qualifizieren.
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Versantis (ETH Zurich) Every day in the EU and the US, 370 people die as a result of drug overdose, and another 25,000 are hospitalized for misuse or abuse of illegal or prescription drugs. Besides drugs, endogenous waste products are also extremely life threatening when present in excess due to a deficient liver function. The most common endogenous toxin is ammonia, which is the reason that more than 350,000 people suffer from severe liver failure in the EU and the US. Versantis has developed an innovative peritoneal dialysis strategy based on microvesicles that can clear toxic compounds from the organism with unprecedented efficacy, and therefore save patients from metabolite intoxications and drug overdoses.