Radio interview
L'équipe de "CQFD" aborde les sujets les plus passionnants, décrypte et explique les découvertes, les maladies et les progrès scientifiques et médicaux.
An innovative fight against the bacterium Clostridium difficile

Mattias Ivarsson is committed to fighting a nasty bacterium at the root of many hospital-acquired infections. He just completed his PhD on the topic and presented his ideas, as well as his plan to develop his own biotech company, as a finalist in the Falling Walls Lab in Berlin - part of the 25th anniversary events surrounding the fall of the Berlin wall. ETH News met up with the cosmopolitan engineer before his trip to Berlin.
Die Finalisten des Swiss Technology Award 2014
VERSANTIS mit Gründer Vincence Forster, ehermaliger PhD der Forschungsgruppe von Prof. JC. Leroux
Blutwäsche im Bauch
Forscher der ETH Zürich arbeiten an einer neuen Methode, mit der falsch eingenommene Medikamente wirksam aus dem Körper entfernt werden könnten.
Emergency aid for overdoses
Every minute counts in the event of an overdose. ETH professor Jean-Christophe Leroux and his team have developed an agent to filter out toxins from the body more quickly and efficiently.
Mattias Ivarsson won the Falling Walls Lab Zürich 2014
Mattias Ivarsson has won the jury and the audience prize at the Falling Walls Lab Zurich 2014 and will travel to Berlin to present his work at the global final and take part in the Falling Walls conference
CRS (Controlled Release Society) College of Fellows Award
Prof. Jean-Christophe Leroux has been inducted to the Controlled Release Society college of fellows.
Thomson Reuters list
Prof. Jean-Christophe Leroux has been included in the Thomson Reuters list of the most cited researchers in the field of Pharmacology and Toxicology
>>venture>> best business plan
Congratulation! Vincent Forster, a former PhD of Prof. Leroux's research group, convinced the Jury of >>venture>> 2014 with their business plan.
Venture Leaders
Vincent Forster and Mattias Ivarsson are among 20 candidates that have been selected for the Venture Leaders program.
Dr. Vincent Forster within the TOP 10
Dr. Vincent Forster konnte sich mit seiner neuen Spin-off Versantis unter die TOP 10 der Preisträger des diesjährigen McKinsey & ETHZ "Venture" Wettbewerbs qualifizieren.