PHOENIX Pharmazie Wissenschaftspreis 2015
Die PHOENIX group hat gestern den mit insgesamt 40.000 Euro dotierten PHOENIX Pharmazie Wissenschaftspreis 2015 in Zürich vergeben. Prof. Dr. Jean-Christophe Leroux und seine Forschungsgruppe gehört zu den Gewinnern.
Symposium on Microencapsulation
The 20th International Symposium on Microencapsulation will be held at Northeastern University in Boston October 1st to 3rd, 2015.
Inositec founder Mattias Ivarsson finished 3rd at the 2015 Venture-Finals
Developing small molecules as alternatives to antibiotics
Detoxification experts
Please Note: The following paragraph is only available in German.
Revolutionizing dialysis to save lives from overdoses and liver failures
The team around Dr. Vincent Forster from the ETH spin-off Versantis wins VENTURE KICK 2014
Gluten intolerance: Are we blaming the wrong culprit?
The RTS Swiss TV invited Prof. Leroux on his new therapeutic options for celiac disease.